GLAM/Newsletter/June 2023/Contents/Brazil report
Native Brazilian photographer wins Wiki Loves Folklore Brazil 2023
During the months of February and March of this year, Wiki Movimento Brasil (WMB) organized Wiki Loves Folklore 2023 in Brazil. That was the first time this contest was organized in the country and brought beautiful images to highligh the Brazilian culture. The winning picture is a photograph submitted by a Native Brazilian photographer of the Xakriabá people and depicts a pajé of the same people dancing and singing during the ritual of the Toré in the Xakriabá Indigenous Land in São João das Missões, municipality of Minas Gerais.
The winner photographer, with two more images in the top 10, is Edgar Kanaykõ Xakriaba, born, raised and resident of the Xakriabá Indigenous Land. His fantastic photographic work is the central topic of his Master Thesis in Social Anthropology at Federal University of Minas Gerais, titled "Etnovision: the indigenous look that crosses the lens" (2019), where he discusses photography as a tool for indigenous struggle and resistance. Edgar uses his talent to record his community, other indigenous peoples and their protests all over Brazil.
You can check the contributions from Edgar here and also an interview he gave to WMB about his works. Other wonderful images of this contest are available in Wikimedia Commons and can be used freely by anyone!
Feminism, science and politics - the legacy of Bertha Lutz
In June, another Brazilian collection was recognized as Memory of the World by UNESCO and it is on Wikipedia.
Bertha Lutz was a Brazilian biologist, congresswoman, and feminist. She was one of the founders of the Brazilian Federation for the Advancement of Women (FBPF) and contributed to the grantee of the women's vote in Brazil.
The recognized collection gathers photos, documents and newspaper articles distributed at four institutions. Two of them are on Wikimedia Commons.
- Celebrating the recognition Centro de Memória Unicamp uploaded the images from its collection:
- Brazilian Federation for the Advancement of Women Fund under the custody of the Brazilian National Archives is on Wikipedia since 2017.
Large upload by Museu da Capitania de Ilhéus
Museu da Capitania de Ilhéus uploaded more than 1,300 pages of historical documents about the territory of Ilhéus while Brazil was part of Portuguese Empire. These documents are under the custody of the Torre do Tombo National Archive, in Portugal, and help us to tell the History of Brazil Colony (1500-1808).
Large upload from Musica Brasilis
The project Musica Brasilis provided more 755 new sheet music by 130 Brazilian composers, from 14 Brazilian states. Among them:
- 20 composers from the State of Pará, among them: Antonio Cyrillo Silva, José Marsicano, Meneleu Campos, Ulisses Euclides do Couto Nobre, and Waldemar Magalhães Lima,
- 13 women:

GLAM WikiCon 2023
GLAM WikiConference 2023 organized by Wikimedistas de Uruguay has place and date! It will happen in Montevideo, Uruguay, 16-18 November.
The application for activities to the program may be submitted HERE. This submission form will be available from June 20 - August 6.
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