GLAM/Newsletter/March 2018/Single
Regional GLAM workshops and Art+Feminism
GLAM Peak roadshow
The past month has seen Australian Wikimedians on the road in their role as partners in the ongoing GLAM Peak Digital Access to Collections workshops (see This Month in GLAM November 2017.
On 27-28 February Pru Mitchell and Leigh Blackall worked with regional Victorian GLAM organisations at the Geelong Library & Heritage Centre. We were joined by Morry, a student intern from RMIT University's Bachelor of Design (Communication Design) who created a video report of the event.
Jacinta Sutton and Anne Scheu from State Library of Queensland represented Wikimedia Australia at the Cobb and Co. Museum, Toowoomba.
- Perth, Western Australia
Gideon Digby and Sam Wilson supported GLAM Peak when it hit Perth on 26-27 March.
Geelong Art Gallery and Library
Art+Feminism in Australia
International Women's Day and Art+Feminism events were held in four states during March. The Women's Art Register hosted their Art+Feminism Edit-a-thon in the Trocadero Artspace in Footscray, Melbourne. Ten new editors were trained. On International Women’s Day, the WikiD project worked on Australian women in architecture and design, and were joined by librarians from Monash University Library Caulfield.
WikiD International Women's Day 2018
Art+Feminism 2018 Footscray
Trocadero Artspace, Footscray
GenderGap edit-a-thon; GLAM at Open Belgium
GenderGap edit-a-thon
On 8 March, International Women's Day, we organised together with the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the EU in Brussels, and with support from Wikimedia Sweden, the GenderGap edit-a-thon to create and improve biographies on women on Wikipedia. About 14 new articles have been written and at least six have been improved. A good year in a long tradition.
- Project page on the English Wikipedia
- Category with photos of the edit-a-thon on Wikimedia Commons
The Swedish ambassador Åsa Webber speaking
Linnéa Claeson speaking
Editing Wikipedia
Editing Wikipedia
GLAM at Open Belgium
On 12 March the annual conference Open Belgium took place in Louvain-la-Neuve, organised by Open Knowledge Belgium and supported by Wikimedia Belgium. The conference is about the subject of open knowledge, open data and more.
One of the topics was: Linked Open Data in Limbo: Co-Creation as a Catalyst for Open Cultural Heritage Resources. In this presentation knowledge institutions were asked to rethink their role in society in the context of social and technological changes. This was illustrated with open data projects, including those with Wikipedia/Wikimedia and the open data community was asked to ask the heritage sector for more, and where necessary to contribute with the development of tools.
Venue: Aula Magna
Half of the main conference space
Linked Open Data in Limbo
Linked Open Data in Limbo
Linked Open Data in Limbo
Brazilian user group and Portuguese chapter join forces for Women’s International Month
The Wikimedia Community User Group Brasil and Wikimedia Portugal have joined forces to organize initiatives to improve content on women and gender-related topics on Wikipedia in Portuguese. The context was the International Women’s Month --that normally leads to sets of activities organized by many Wikimedia affiliates.
This is to date the first time the Brazilian and Portuguese Wikimedia affiliates work together for a month-long set of activities, encompassing events in several cities and on-wiki campaigns.
Lusophone Art+Feminism Campaign
The Lusophone Art+Feminism Campaing (Artes+Feminismos na Lusofonia 2018) ran from March 6 to 17. Fifteen programs were organized in seven cities, both in Portugal and Brazil. According to the campaign report, these programs brought together 177 editors, who added 176,000 words on Wikipedia in Portuguese, with 188 articles created and 529 articles edited.
The Brazilian user group and the Portuguese chapter have also worked together to organize the WikiGAP campaign on Wikipedia in Portuguese. With support from the Swedish Consulate this has led to an event in Brasília and the support to A+F events in Portugal and Brazil. There is a Brasília event report. Media covered this event. [1][2]
The Woman You Have Never Met 2018
The Brazilian user group and Wikimedia Portugal have also joined forces to respond the call from Iberocoop and have launched and are still organizing the campaign The Woman You Have Never Met 2018 (A mulher que você nunca conheceu 2018). The expectation is that in the context of this campaign over 300 entries on women or topics pertaining to gender issues will be created on Wikipedian in Portuguese. Outcomes may be tracked on the Dashboard report.
Reflecting upon #1Lib1Ref impact, upcoming collaborations
Assessing #1Lib1ref campaign impact
In Côte d'Ivoire, expanding the campaign from January to March has created opportunities to run more activities. It was also an occasion to engage a wider and more diverse librarians audience.
- 51 librarians and information science professionals took part in the campaign in Côte d'Ivoire.
- 26 librarians added at least 1 reference to Wikipedia and 25 Phd students were introduced to Wikipedia.
- 8 of these 26 librarians (30%) were women.
- 32 articles improved with references, 53% of them being women articles.
Upcoming collaborations
The outcomes are also significant as the campaign led to several institutions showing interest in digitization or wiki-training projects. 3 GLAM partners willing to pilot a digitization project, more expressed intention to host #1Lib1ref trainings
- LARIT, an IT center located in a University and gathering Phd students and researchers. One of their archives personnel attended the session in January 26th, and helped us organize a session on March 8th. LARIT is also willing to start a formal collaboration with WCUG-CI and run a Wiki Education programme with their students.
- National Library of Côte d'Ivoire, hosted the last session of the campaign on 9th March. The staff invited WCUG-CI to rescue their newspaper collections threatened by natural hazard such as moisture, humidity, etc. A formal collaboration around digitization is expected soon.
- Archives staff of the Parliament. Being one of the first GLAM partners of WCUG-CI, they showed keen interest in a pilot digitization project too.
Sharing lessons learned at WikiIndaba
WikiIndaba 2018, the regional conference gathering active Wikimedians from Africa and beyond, included some GLAM-related workshops. Côte d'Ivoire took part in both sessions Developing GLAM Partnerships and Wikimedia and Libraries in Africa. The Ivorian team shared the modest lessons learned while running GLAM activities and partnering with librarians.
Second edit-a-thon in Slaný and new cooperation with Bohuslav Martinu Institute
Second edit-a-thon in the Regional Museum in Slaný
The edit-a-thon was held in Slaný in the Czech Republic on 24th February 2018. It was prepared again in cooperation with the Regional Museum in Slaný. Half a dozen participants attended the event, five of them directly in Slaný. This activity was similar to the first edit-a-thon in the same town held in November 2017 about which we reported in one of previous issues. Fifteen new articles were created and two more were extended over the weekend and in following days. The topics of processed articles were diverse: they ranged from sculptor Václav Nejtek to three local churches, to Liberation of Slaný during WWII, to the the Regional Museum itself.
We concentrated mostly only on articles last time but we were making photodocumentation this time, too. Photos of the former cotton mill with villa of factory owner in the suburb of Slaný and then one cemetery with the tomb of Clam-Martinic noble family and one Gothic church with Romanesque portal were taken in nearby towns on Saturday.
Druhý editaton ve Slaném
V sobotu 24. února jsme se znovu vypravili do Slaného na editaton pořádaný ve spolupráci s Vlastivědným muzeem ve Slaném. Podobně jako při prvním editatonu ve Slaném loni v listopadu, o němž jsme zde již psali v jednom z minulých vydání, se akce zúčastil půltucet wikipedistů, z toho pět osobně. Během editatonu a v blízkých dnech vzniklo 15 článků a dva další byly rozšířeny. Rozmanitost zpracovaných témat byla opět velká: od sochaře Václava Nejtka přes tři kostely a osvobození Slaného během druhé světové války až po samotné Vlastivědné muzeum.
Oproti minulé akci, kdy jsme se zaměřili hlavně na psaní článků, jsme tentokrát i fotili. Během soboty jsme tak na předměstí Slaného nafotili bývalou přádelnu s továrníkovou vilou a v blízkých obcích pak jeden hřbitov s hrobkou Clam-Martiniců a jeden gotický kostel s románským portálem.
WikiProject Martinů
Wikimedia Czech Republic and Bohuslav Martinů Institute started cooperation on new WikiProject. The aim of the project is to expand and further improve Wikipedia articles concerning this important Czech composer. Kateřina Nová started working as a Wikipedian in residence in the Institute.
The cooperation will consist of two parts. The first one is the cooperation with Wikipedians. That has already achieved first concrete results. Besides small rewritings and corrections of existing articles it is particularly the complete list of Bohuslav Martinů compositions, both in English and Czech.
The second part is combining GLAM activities with Students write Wikipedia project. Students of musicology and related specialisations from Czech universities will be working on articles about various compositions of Bohuslav Martinů. Palacký University in Olomouc has already taken part in this programme during the current semester.
WikiProjekt Martinů
Institut Bohuslava Martinů a spolek Wikimedia Česká republika zahájili spolupráci, jejímž cílem je rozšíření a zkvalitnění informací o životě a díle tohoto významného hudebního skladatele na Wikipedii. V Institutu Bohuslava Martinů začala pracovat wikipedistka – rezidentka Kateřina Nová.
Spolupráce bude mít dvě formy: Přímá spolupráce institutu a wikipedistů, která má již pvní konkrétní výsledky, vedle drobných úprav a oprav existujících článků to je především kompletní seznam skladatelových děl v angličtině a češtině.
Druhou cestou je zapojení studentů muzikologie a hudební výchovy na univerzitách v České republice v rámci projektu Studenti píší Wikipedii. Ti budou zpracovávat články o dílech tohoto skladatele. První univerzitou, která se zapojila do tohoto programu již v tomto semestru, je Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci.
Paintings and photographers' biographies to Wikidata, translation of, rephotography app
Tartu Art Museum + Wikidata
A collaboration project is taking place between Wikimedia Eesti and the Tartu Art Museum, as the first concerted effort in Estonia of the WikiProject sum of all paintings. The first stage of this project has now been completed: to use a bot to add information about all the paintings and watercolor paintings in the museum collection to Wikidata (the data itself was extracted from the Estonian museum database MuIS). The collaboration will continue in the next months with the upload of high quality images of as many of the out of copyright artworks in the collection as possible to Wikimedia Commons (+ with the works, where it is possible to get the permission from the artist), to make them available to the public in general and to Wikipedia article writers in particular.
The technical work (see code on Github) carried out for this project should also make further collaborations easier, since most if not all of the Estonian museums have their collection data in the MuIS database.
Biographical Database of Estonian Photographers
In 2017 the previous custom made platform for the Biographical Database of Estonian Photographers was abandoned as it had become technically obsolete and the data was migrated to Scandinavian platform KulturNav. More than a year ago basic entries on Wikidata had been created (see GLAMwiki Newsletter from January 2017) with links to old database that needed to be updated with KulturNav IDs. The matching was performed with Mix'n'match, with the goal of adding more biographical information about the photographers in the future. Having a good overview of (early) Estonian photographers in Wikidata is interesting in itself, and will no doubt prove useful in order to discover more photographs that are in the public domain and can thus be uploaded to Wikimedia Commons to illustrate Wikipedia articles.
Estonian translation of declarations in public review
On March 27 the 4 week public review of the Estonian translation of declarations describing the copyright status of digitized cultural heritage items was announced. Estonian is only the second language after German Rightsstatements declarations have been translated into, several other translations are on their way. Currently the copyright statuses of the cultural heritage items are very poorly recorded and marked in the Estonian public collections and public repositories serving the content, therefore it is also hard to identify out of copyright content that could be added to Wikimedia Commons. A lot of work has to be done to raise awareness about the intellectual property rights related to cultural heritage items also among the staff of GLAMs as often the ownership of the physical items is confused with the ownership of IP. Rightsstatements declarations is one the tools to also educate about the topic. Also several public online repositories for cultural heritage are undergoing development so we hope that Rightsstatements will also be implemented rather sooner than later...
New version of Ajapaik rephotography app
Ajapaik – a crowdsourcing platform for geotagging and rephotographing old images – published its new version of android app for rephotography in the beginning of March. Ajapaik has mostly Estonian content (more than 125 000 historical images, mostly photographs, but also paintings, graphic art and even film stills) retrieved from the APIs of public cultural heritage repositories.
The translation of the app was moved to Translatewiki and the next plans are to integrate the app with other repositories, including Wikimedia Commons and to pilot test it with the Wiki Loves Monuments rephotography track in collaboration with Wikimedia Finland (see their newsletter).
Combining coding, learning and culture
Wikipedia mini exhibition
In March the Media Museum Rupriikki in Tampere, added a Wikipedia corner to their exhibition on the history of Internet. It covers the fundamental principles of Wikipedia, the typical layout of Wikipedia articles, how decision-making works and the future of Wikipedia with machine learning and Wikidata. Wikimedists will on call there during The Night of the Museums event on May 19. The exhibition is open at Rupriikki until May 27 and will tour Finland afterwards.
-, 2018-04-04, Wikipedian 17-vuotista taivalta valottava pienoisnäyttely avautui Tampereella — Suomen kiertue luvassa
Wikileap goes ITK
Wikileap, primary education initiative for creating open education materials, will be at the Interactive Technology in Education conference in Hämeenlinna. They will give a presentation on April 12 at 3.30 pm about open collaboratively written schoolbooks. One of the materials presented is Time of great wars wikibook which was topic of our workshop in March at the National Museum. Wikileap will also run their koodiesterata-workshop (coding challenge track) on the same day at 2 pm which is series of fun puzzles about different topics which participants need to solve.
- Interactive Technology in Education conference in Hämeenlinna April 11—13. Wikileap's booth number is 104.
Junior Hackathon
Open Knowledge Finland and AvoinGLAM network will organize Junior Hackathon at the Helsinki City Museum. The idea behind the event is to get kids aged 7 to 15 and their parents to participate in workshops that combine coding with culture. The event features an audio workshop with Sonic Pi, junior level coding, real-time sensor data of the city and visual workshops like videoblogging and rephotographing. Wikimedia Finland will participate in the event with a nonstop workshop where participants can browse old pictures of Helsinki and soundscapes and add them to Wikipedia articles.
- The event takes place in the Helsinki City Museum on April 22 from 11 am to 5 pm.
Ajapaik rephotography Android app published
Ajapaik is a crowdsourcing platform created by the Estonian Photographic Heritage Society with the aim of geotagging and rephotographing old images. Currently, Ajapaik has mostly Estonian content (from public collections), but has also more than 1500 images from Finland and is integrated with the Finnish archives, libraries and museums Finna API so that content from can be curated to Ajapaik.
In March Ajapaik released a rewritten version of its rephotography mobile app for Android. The application shows the nearest old photos available and allows you to easily rephotograph them. The idea of rephotography is to create then-and-now photo pairs and to get more detailed location data for the old photo. (example photo)
The new app was pilot tested with Finnish school children during a school club workshop in the Helsinki City Museum on March 1st. It will be used again with children during the Junior Hackathon. Wikimedia Finland is also planning to use Ajapaik as part of the rephotography track of Wiki Loves Monuments 2018 in Finland.
CNES, Musée Bourdelle
The Centre national d'études spatiales (CNES) is our second scientific contact for 2018. He is in charge of French space program and produce baseline data for laboratories. The CNES is very involved in climate issues and has helped to boost the Space Climate Observatory. This is an open data-oriented project on the theme of climate (in sustainable development sense).
Several areas of work were mentioned: organization of an event to present Wikipedia at the CNES, provision of data for Wikidata, organization of an edit-a-thon around climate to ensure the integration of these data and the use of the CNES project library within Wikipedia articles.
Musée Bourdelle
The Musée Bourdelle was interesting in Wikimedia project. We have provided a training day for the staff members of the museum. They are interested in the idea of an edit-a-thon.
Glam project
The french Glam project is still working on the strategy and should finalize it with the writing of arguments. The strategic plan is available in French here : m:Wikimédia France/Groupes de travail/Groupes thématiques/GLAM/Stratégie.
Wikisource workshop
On March 11 was held a Wikisource workshop at Les Champs Libres, in Rennes. Eight Wikimedians contributed transcribe books on Wikisource and around twenty peoples passed by.
Presentation "70. Westfälischer Archivtag"
70. Westfälischer Archivtag
On invitation of the LWL-Archivamt für Westfalen I have given a short presentation on the conference "70. Westfälischer Archivtag" (program of the conference) about the GLAM cooperations of Wikipedians in Cologne, Germany. A short summary in German of the session together with two co-speakers about Wikipedia in general. PDF of my presentation on Wikimedia Commons: c:File:70. Westfälischer Archivtag - Informationen aus erster Hand – Archive und Wikipedia.pdf.
GLAM-Volunteers Meeting in Ellwangen
From 02. to 04. of March 2018, 15 volunteers of the GLAM community met in Ellwangen to discuss the 2018 and 2019 annual planning. The event took place at the Alamannenmuseum in Ellwangen. A guided tour of the museum's head, Mr. Gut, rounded off the planning meeting.
Impact of Odisha Government content donation on Wikimedia Projects
The Odia Wikimedians UG and The Centre for Internet and Society collaborated with some departments of Government of Odisha, an Indian state, to relicense their content under free license. As a part of this collaboration around eight social media accounts and five websites of the Government of Odisha were re-licensed phase wise. In July 2017, the website of 17th Asian Athletics Championship was licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0 license followed by Chief Ministers' office and Commerce and Transport department in September 2017 which was later followed by SCSTOdisha and Information & Public relations department in January 2018, which were re-licensed under CC-BY-4.0 license. All the departments that are under free license, are a huge producer of content and data from various subjects and fields.
We have added around 395 files into Commons of which 64.4% files are in use by March 2018. This has helped to add images to many Wikipedia articles; 41 language Wikipedias are using 254 images from this collaboration. Many politicians, sportsperson, journals, the state published magazines are in Commons and in use in various Wikimedia projects.
- More about the collaboration in Wikimedia Blog
- Odia Wikipedians document the Asian Athletics Championships
- Odisha becomes first state government in India to release its social media under a free license
- Odisha adopts free licenses
The Journal Collection of research papers in the field of Social Sciences, Applied Anthropology, Development Studies, and problems of indigenous communities of Odisha.
Nayana James, Indian Long Jump Bronze Medalist of AAC 2017
Indian 5000M Gold winner Laxshman
Light and Sound show in UNESCO World heritage monument Konark Sun Temple
Deputy Chief Minister of Telangana
Indian Men's Hockey Team
Art+Feminism boom in Ireland
This year was a bumper year for Art+Feminism events in Ireland, with three events across the country.
National Gallery of Ireland
To mark International Women's Day on 8 March, the National Gallery of Ireland hosted it's first Art+Feminism event for its staff. 11 staff members worked on a variety of pages relating to the female artists and sitters that are featured in the Gallery's collections. Both Wikimedia Community Ireland and the Gallery hope that this is the beginning of more collaboration between our organisations!
University College Cork
On 10 March, a group of women came together in UCC to mark Art+Feminism. 8 editors worked on new and existing articles, focusing on those who had connections with UCC, including poets, artists and writers. Four new articles were published, and the editors were rewarded for their efforts with well deserved pizza!
Visualising Women
In an ongoing partnership with the Library of Trinity College Dublin, new and existing editors gathered to write about women with a connection to Trinity and its art and archival collections. 15 editors used the resources available to them in the Library to improve and create articles. The event entitled Visualising Women was covered by local news outlet, the Dublin Inquirer.
RCSI Female Firsts
An editing workshop was held in the Library of the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland to celebrate the Female Firsts of the College. The event was held on International Women's Day, and coincided with the College's announcement of its new initiative to improve representation of women through Women on Walls. 9 editors started new articles in their draft spaces for some of the women featured, hopefully they will turn from red to blue very soon.
All Digital Week
As part of the European All Digital Week, University of Limerick hosted an editing workshop for their library staff. As a broad introduction to editing, the new editors worked on pages relating to their home towns or other familiar subjects. This allowed them to understand how editing works and how it could be used in digital literacy more generally.
Women's month
Editing marathon with ICAR
Our Wikipedian in Residence Marco Chemello launched a greatly participated one-week editing marathon using the CC contents from the Istituto Centrale per gli Archivi (ICAR). More than 120 articles were written, mainly about architects and captains of industry, embedding lots of beautiful historical photos. The results of the marathon were annouced the 21th of March, during the event Archives on Wikipedia at the National Central Library in Rome. The GLAM-ICAR project, lauched in september 2017 by ICAR and Wikimedia Italia, freed the texts of 1,5 million webpages. Thanks to these contents 390 articles were created or expanded on Italian Wikipedia till now, but it's only the beginning.
Art + Feminism and WikiGap editathons
Art + Feminism and WikiGap campaigns organized by WikiDonne User Group in eight different editathons with the National Library of Naples, University of Turin, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, High School of Art in Potenza, Department of Historical, Geographical and Antiquity Sciences of University of Padua, University of Milan and the Uffizi gallery in Florence, with the participation of Wikimedia Italia. Events in Rome and Milan were organized together with the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
Startup of the WikiBeer project & "Bitalon" - The Hackaton of Bitola
Startup of the WikiBeer project
On 3rd of March, started the WikiBeer project, a new project of Shared Knowledge on Wikipedia on Macedonian language, whose principal goal is to make visits to breweries, beer festivals and events in order to help by improving existing and creating new articles for the domestic beer brands and industry, domestic breweries and pubs that are part of this industry. The project came up as an idea and closely resembles of the previous Wikiwine projects, where several industrial plant were already visited, primarily wineries and food industry plants. This visit was organized within the first Crafting beer saloon event, by Македонец, Иван Ж and our partner organization Slow Food Vodno which already helped us in organization of Wiki Loves Food 2017 photographic contest and currently we are working together to conduct Agroexpeditions project. Hence, we signed a memorandum of cooperation with Slow Food which was co-organizer of this event. Crafting beer saloon was attended by 12 producers of home made craft beers from different cities in Macedonia and one from Greece where dozens of images were photographed which in the next period will be uploaded and used for creation of articles on Wikipedias in support of this branches of the beer industry and culture.
"Bitalon" - The Hackaton of Bitola: Official partnership & participation
After of period of preparations on an invitation of our member Igor Izotov, who was a main organizer of the event, "Shared Knowledge" as a Wikipedia chapter in Macedonia took part and participated as an official partner of "Bitalon - The Hackaton of Bitola". Bitalon was the first ever hackathon aiming to tell the story of the old Jewish community in the Balkans through the Jewish cemetery "Beit hahaim" (Park of the living) in Bitola. The Israel ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry of IT in Macedonia invited numerous programmers, designers and developers from the IT sector in Macedonia together with mentors from companies and Universities from Israel and Macedonia to take part in developing a digital experience for the visitors in the Park of the living in Bitola, where the story of the Jewish community had a main part in its past and will have a main part in its future.Also as a part of the team had mentors from several areas who assisted the participants The team of Wikipedians from "Shared Knowledge" consisted of User:Kiril Simeonovski, User:Иван Ж and User:Македонец and a designer from other team mk:User:Marija Pet, who was a participant on Architecture Edit-a-thon in 2016, made an editing activity similar to edit-a-thon where they have created and edited several articles as well as uploaded images about personalities and the history of the extinct Jewish community of Bitola with the materials sent by organizers and by the translation tool. All of the created content and information was used by the other participants for the design and the content of their applications. Also, the members of the "Shared Knowledge" had a chance to make a short meeting with the ambassador of Israel, H.E. Dan Oryan , where were discussed several topics and exchange of previously prepared and signed memorandum of cooperation.
Edit-a-thon about music articles
- By Violetova
On 17 March 2018, the members of the Mixed choir "Artizan" together with members of GLAM Macedonia, a Wikimedia User Group in Macedonia, and the members of Wiki Clubs in Macedonia lead by GLAM Macedonia, created 20 new articles about music, 15 existing articles were improved and two photos regarding performance of the Macedonian choirs were uploaded on Commons. This collaboration on the theme music come after we received an invitation by several musicians in order to improve the music articles on mkwiki. The main editing together event took part at the evening hours in Public Room in Skopje.
Two new agreements with GLAM institutions were signed
- By Violetova
Two new agreements were signed between GLAM institutions in the Republic of Macedonia and GLAM Macedonia. We started a new collaboration with Institute of National History (INI), signing agreement with the officials, in order start Wikipedian in Residence activity. This collaboration started actively in March 2018, when the first results were as following: 24 new created articles and 35 existing articles were edited by the members of GLAM Macedonia. The materials and books were provided by the WiR in collaboration with the INI employees. The second agreement was signed with the City Library "Braka Miladinovci" in Skopje. This agreement is to continue the previous successful collaboration with the Library.
GLAM Macedonia has four signed Agreements with GLAM institutions in Macedonia in 2018. Beside the two mentioned new agreements, we have signed agreements with the State Archives in the Republic of Macedonia and with the Museum of Macedonian struggle in Skopje, for collaboration this year.
Edit-a-thons and digitazation of books
#WikiGap Edit-a-thon
The edit-a-thon #WikiGap on the theme Woman - Shadow Leaders was held in Belgrade as part of a global campaign for gender equality on Wikipedia, organised by the Swedish Embassy and Wikimedia Serbia. Over 40 notable woman got their articles on Serbian Wikipedia, written by 25 volunteers. During the event participants was visited by Swedish ambassador H.E. Jan Lundin, and Serbian minister of public administration and local self-government Branko Ružić. Both of them praised the volunteers mission in efforts to contribute to the gender equality. Participants wrote 45 articles, and the writing support came from the students of Faculty of Philology, but from the GLAM partners as well, like Wiki-librarians from the University Library in Belgrade. The event was also one of the main news in Serbian media.
World Mime Day Edit-a-thon
The annual edit-a-thon on World Mime Day - 22nd March, this year took part of First World Mime Conference, organised in Belgrade from 17th-23rd March. The conference gained mime artists from all around the world, who inspired the volunteers of Wikimedia Serbia to write about them on Serbian Wikipedia. The representatives of Wikimedia Serbia held a workshop of editing Wikipedia for mime artist, so they can contribute in future about this art. At the end of the day, volunteers wrote 27 articles, but also, for the first time, took pictures of notable mime artists, like Carlos Martínez, Ella Jaroszewicz, Ofer Blum… Wikipedians from Macedonia joined the edit-a-thon as well, writing 8 more articles on Macedonian Wikipedia.
Digitization of 8 books
Belgrade University Library, within the project Wiki Librarian, digitized and uploaded to Wikimedia Commons eight books about plants and flowers. The books and its digitization was part of the exhibition The Speech of Flowers, organized by University Library, Botanical Institute, Botanical garden "Jevremovac" (Faculty of Biology) and company 4SE. The Belgrade University Library is one of the main partners on GLAM project in Serbia, who constantly and continually contribute to wiki projects.
Wikipedia courses in libraries
Wikipedia courses
Once again we have organized Wikipedia courses in the Reina Sofía and La Yutera libraries, of the University of Valladolid. Each one was carried out in four sessions, of two hours, in which the participants could learn the basic policies of Wikipedia, the maintenance tasks and the editing keys, writing their first article. In both cases the participants were students from the university.
National Museums of World Culture; Air Force Museum
National Museums of World Culture
During the spring the National Museums of World Culture is running a WiR collaboration with WMSE. This has so far included a row of internal Wikipedia editathons to give staff a deeper understanding of the encyclopedia, upload of audio and 3D files and planning of a couple of open events, in Stockholm and Gothenburg respectively, adressing inter alia representation issues. The National Museums of World Culture is also proud to be hosting the WMSE AGM and the ensuing open Wikipedia Day.
Kaudern collection
In March we finalized the upload of more than 800 images from three different Swedish expeditions with the Swedish zoologist and ethnographer Walter Kaudern. This batch is part of a cooperation with the National Museums of World Culture. It is the the first batchupload in 2018 and the third in total that includes pictures from the National Museums of World Culture in Sweden. The first expedition was made in 1906-1907 and went to Madagascar. The second one also went to Madagascar and took place in 1911-1912. The third expedition went to Sulawesi (previously Celebes) and took place in 1917-1921.
The images depicts a wide variety of scenes and objects. Many of them contains the multitude of local and international people involved in the Expedition in everyday situations in Madagascar and Sulawesi. Some of the photos could also be classified as "behind the scenes" shoots from the expeditions.
In general, a large number of the images are quite poorly described in regards to what the image actually depicts and would therefore need manual categorization and description. Help from the community would therefore be highly appreciated!
Funeral scene, Sulawesi.
The villagers carry palm wine, Sulawesi.
"The fossilized man", Sulawesi.
Harbour in Marovoay, Madagascar.
Air Force Museum
During two days staff at the Swedish Air Force Museum and other museums in the area learned more about Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects aiming to improve articles with their knowledge, Wikimedia Commons with their images and media files and Wikidata with their facts. As some participants returned from having attended a workshop back in the wikitext only-days it was great to see the smiles on their faces when they found out they no longer had to focus on mark-up but could move on to the more important things like adding references, notability and what sources are trustworthy enough to be used.
Article Contest for Libraries
Local Cultural Heritage and Notable People: article contest for libraries
Wikimedia Ukraine has organised an article contest among libraries, librarians and readers and information seekers during March 19 - 25. App. 277 articles were created or improved. Libraries from 45 cities and towns took part. We have also organised presentations and/or wikitrainings for those, who wanted to find out more about editing.
Story on the contest for grant reporting
Women's History Month
We were very busy this March: apparently, there is a momentum about meetups.
Fembot Edit-a-Thon
Fembot held an editing event organized by the University of Maryland Department of Women's Studies, the University of Maryland Libraries, the LGBT Equity Center, and the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, to edit articles related to women of color, trans, and/or non-conforming people, Fembot Edit-a-Thon.
Arlington Women in History Editing Workshop
Wikimedia DC and the Arlington Central Library held an editing workshop for Women's History Month.
University of Maryland iSchool Disability Justice Editing Workshop
Wikimedia DC held a workshop co-hosted by student organizations iDiversity and Special Libraries Association @ UMD to improve Wikipedia coverage of disability justice.
Art + Feminism MoMA
Art + Feminism and The Museum of Modern Art held a meetup, 2018 Wikipedia Edit-a-thon: Art + Feminism. Sarah Jaffe spoke.[3]
Art+Feminism@SFMOMA 2018
San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, held a meetup, Art+Feminism@SFMOMA 2018
Art + Feminism National Museum of Women in the Arts
Wikimedia DC and the National Museum of Women in the Arts held a meetup, National Museum of Women in the Arts: Art+Feminism meetup. The event was covered in the Guardian "Wikipedia's forgotten women: inside the editing marathon to fix imbalance", and BBC "Women fighting for equality on Wikipedia"
Art + Feminism Smithsonian American Art Museum
Wikimedia DC and the Smithsonian American Art Museum held a meetup, DC Art and Feminism SAAM meetup.
Black Lunch Table Art + Feminism 2018 Triangle
Black Lunch Table and The Triangle Arts Association held a meetup, Black Lunch Table/ArtFeminism2018 Triangle
MIT Art+Feminism 2018
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Libraries held a meetup, MIT Art+Feminism 2018.
Wikipedia Day LA 2018
Wikipedians of Los Angeles User Group held a meetup at Ace hotel, Wikipedia Day LA 2018. There was a presentation about Wikidata [4]. There was a Wiki Edu panel with a discussion of incorporating Wikipedia into the classroom, with Dr. Karyl Ketchum from CSU Fullerton; Grace Gillies from UCLA; and Sarah Mojarad from USC.
Influential Women in American History Editing Workshop
Wikimedia DC held a workshop with the Daughters of the American Revolution to improve or create articles about influential women in American history.
Women in Architecture Editing Workshop
Wikimedia DC held an editing workshop with the Washington chapter of the American Institute of Architects to improve or create articles about women architects.
GLAM WIKI Conference in Tel Aviv, November 2018
The international Wiki Conference dedicated to the GLAM community – GLAM WIKI Conference 2018 – will be organized by Wikimedia Israel, and take place in Tel Aviv on November 3rd - 5th 2018.
We would appreciate that you would alert your local GLAM community that they can participate and submit lectures for the conference.
The conference website:
Please save the dates, and update your staff and volunteers who may wish to participate.
We will provide a limited number of scholarships. The Scholarship application process opens March 18th and closes on May 15th. However, the aforementioned the number of scholarships is limited, so we would like to know if any chapter will be able to facilitate scholarships for your local volunteers.
Registration will open in June and will go on until September 15th.
Furthermore, we have obtained discount prices at the conference hotel. Should you wish to book accommodations for your staff or chapter members at this hotel, kindly let us know, and we will provide you with discount code and contact information.
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding the conference.
We promise that the conference will allow for some beach time, and we can assure you there will be hummus.
Come and GLAM with us,
Wikimedia Israel
Family Favourites
GLAM news
- Statement 400,000,000 was created!
- There is an early conversation about structured licensing and copyright on Wikimedia Commons.
- WikiIndaba was held in Tunis, 16-18 March. There were several Wikidata-related sessions
- How to resolve the conflation of two people
- report about items with identical birth and death dates updated
- Relator, a tool to improve family relations in Wikidata
- Descendants check: consistency across multiple generations
- The Su Lab is looking for a postdoctoral researcher to work on Wikidata in the Gene Wiki team
- You can have a look at the Europeana migration campaign and help with translations in your languages
- George, le deuxième texte (fr), a website querying Wikidata to find French female authors, in order to bring more diversity in the literature school programs
- German Wikidata Workshop on "Wikidata: Potential uses and application examples for digital cultural heritage" during the conference DHd 2018
Further reading, listening and viewing
- Automatically Generating Wikipedia Info-boxes from Wikidata, by Tomás Sáez and Aidan Hogan
- Linking ImageNet WordNet Synsets with Wikidata, by Finn Årup Nielsen
- Towards a Question Answering System over the Semantic Web, by Dennis Diefenbach et al.
- Practical Linked Data Access via SPARQL: The Case of Wikidata, by Markus Krötzsch et al.
- Data on the history of Scottish witch trials added to Wikidata, by John Lubbock
- WDCM Journal: gender equity in Wikidata usage
- Talk by Morane Gruenpeter and Katherine Thornton, presented at LibrePlanet 2018 about software metadata in Software Heritage and Wikidata. Video of the talk. Slides for the talk.
- Wikidata: Knowledge as a Service, by martin Poulter
- Mind the (Language) Gap: Generation of Multilingual Wikipedia Summaries from Wikidata for ArticlePlaceholders by Lucie-Aimée Kaffee et al.
- Semantic labelling for quantitative data using Wikidata, by Phuc Nguyen and Hideaki Takeda
- OpenStreetMap Interview: Andy Mabbett, Wikidata and OSM - The OpenCage Geocoder blog
- Geokeo Osm geocoding api - Geokeo fast and accurate geocoding
- How we’re using machine learning to visually enrich Wikidata, by Miriam Redi on WMF's blog
- Making women more visible online—with Wikidata tools by Sandra Fauconnier on WMF's blog
Tech developments
- Mix'n'Match new features:
- Creation Candidates
- Top missing entries
- configurable download page for Mix’n’match catalogs (example)
- use a SPARQL query to match the result labels against Mix’n’match entries
- The property suggestions were updated (the last update was in December 2017). The most noticeable effect is the higher ranking of "family name" (P734) on items about people.
- you can use this page if you encounter problems with suggester ranking
- New search code for Wikidata merged. You may notice the improvement in the search results output for Wikidata item.
- Significantly (on average by 75%) reduced the number of changes from Wikidata showing up on the watchlists and recent changes on Wikipedias and the other sister projects.
- Wikidata:Database reports/Constraint violations updated
- WDQS updater switched to Kafka
- If you're working with Lua modules, you can give input here about new functions
- When there is a constraint violation in a reference, the reference is now automatically expanded to make it more visible (phab:T177970)
- Fixed some translation issues in the embeded part of the Query Service (phab:T188990)
- Fixed an issue with usernames being broken for Wikidata changes in watchlist and RC on Wikipedia (phab:T189320)
- Optimizing a heavily used database table (wb_terms) (phab:T188279)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here.
New GLAM-related properties
General datatypes
- court
- time index
- 3D model
- broader concept
- season
- dialect of
- isocaudomer
- calculated from
- download link
- INCI name
- safety classification and labelling
- classification of the best at metas volantes
- prerequisite
- relevant qualification
- derivative work
- alternate names
- test method
- analog or derivative of
- in opposition to
External identifiers
- Webumenia creator ID
- MuIS person or group ID
- Patrons de France ID
- Siprojuris ID
- ACE work ID
- AICTE institute ID
- Chronicling America newspaper ID
- Brooklyn Museum Exhibition ID
- Zenodo ID
- New Georgia Encyclopedia ID
- Tropicos publication ID
- KMSKA work PID
- Bargeton ID
- Guide Nicaise ID
- AlloCiné company ID
- Annuaire des fondations ID
- artist ID
- Ricorso author ID
- Julien ID
- artist ID
- work ID
- The Big Cartoon DataBase ID
- Small Monuments of Plzeň Catalogue ID
- SFMOMA artist ID
- director ID
- director ID
- Dominicains ID
- Premiers préfets ID
- Library of Congress Demographic Group Terms ID
- TMDb movie ID
- Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms ID
- MR Author ID
- BDH edition ID
- AIDA freediver ID
- place ID
- Generation MSX identifier
- identifier
- Abandonia identifier
- Biographical Dictionary of Swedish Women
- Behind the voice Actors video games ID
- Hungarian MP identifier
- UK Provider Reference Number
- Norwegian war sailor register ID
- Wikitribune category
- IDA place ID
- PRS Legislative Research MP ID
- Thésaurus de la désignation des objets mobiliers ID
- Thésaurus de la désignation des œuvres architecturales et des espaces aménagés ID
- Kinoliste ID
- TMDb TV series id
- TMDb person id
- place ID
- RKDlibrary ID
- Statistics Canada Geographic code
- Biographical Dictionary of Georgia ID
- Hungarian public body ID
- ruchess ID
- Biographical Dictionary of Georgia ID
- Hungarian public body ID
- ruchess ID
- World Para Snowboard athlete ID
- METAR code
- Orthodox Encyclopedia ID
- Amphibians of India ID
- National Thesis Number (France)
You are invited to comment on all open property proposals.
Structured Data on Commons; Upcoming events and travel
Structured Data on Commons
In March, a community consultation about structured metadata for copyright and licenses on Wikimedia Commons took place. It is very interesting to read through the insightful discussion that took place. Many thanks to all who participated!
In this new quarter, we announce new GLAM-related activities on Structured Commons in the following two areas. You can expect updates on Commons, and via the GLAM-Wiki mailing lists and other communication channels about these in the upcoming months:
- We start working on mapping GLAM metadata schemas to Wikimedia Commons, in order to make GLAM uploads to Wikimedia more smooth and easy.
- We start to invite and support a diverse set of pilot GLAM-Wiki projects that use Structured Data on Commons. These will be the first GLAM-Wiki projects that use the new technology on Commons. They will be documented well, so that everyone can learn from them, and be inspired. We collect the first candidate projects during the Wikimedia Conference. Do you have ideas for a suitable project already? Get in touch with Sandra at!
We are still growing the GLAM focus group for Structured Commons. It is a group of GLAM staff around the world who are willing to advise and provide feedback regularly in the upcoming months and years. GLAM staff from Africa, Asia, the MENA region and Latin America would be especially welcome; feel free to invite people if you know they would be interested! More info can be obtained from Sandra at
Upcoming events and travel
The GLAM team at the Foundation is going to be at the following community events and conferences, and will hold several presentations and workshops. Join us, and/or let us know if you'd like to meet up!
- April 13-15: Creative Commons Global Summit, Toronto (Alex)
- April 18-22: Wikimedia Conference, Berlin (including Learning Days) (Sandra, Alex, Ben)
- Wikidata and Commons workflows session (pre-conference Learning Days)
- Session about Structured Data on Commons and GLAM pilot projects (main conference)
- May 10-12: Yerevan 2800, Armenia (Sandra)
- May 14-16: EuropeanaTech, Rotterdam (Ben, Sandra)
- Various sessions during the main conference program (May 15-16)
- Wikidata and Commons workshop day (May 14)
- May 18-20 Wikimedia Hackathon, Barcelona (Sandra)
April's GLAM events
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