GLAM/Newsletter/May 2015/Contents/Macedonia report
Wikiexpedition on bicycles and visiting one of the most remote areas in Macedonia
ByThird Wikiexpedition in Macedonia

On our first Wikiexpedition in Macedonia in town Negotino, central part of Macedonia, we make plans to visit one of the most remote area in Macedonia, Mariovo. The idea was to go by bicycles. After little consideration, we found that on the last days on May, i.e. 29th, 30th and 31st of May, in Mariovo will be scheduled an outdoor-festival "Mariovo Off-Road Experience: Enter The Wilderness", we make cooperation with the organization of the festival and we bought tickets for festival.
This expedition was something new for us, because on our first two Wikiexpeditions we travel with train and with car, but, this time we make a trip to the area and we explore the area riding bicycles. Our bicycles were transport by organizator of this festival one day prior the start of the festival. Two volunteer members of Shared Knowledge and one non-member volunteer (Ehrlich91, Македонец and Petrovskyz) took a part on this Wikiexpedition.
Mariovo Off-Road

Our team members traveled with train from Skopje to Prilep, nearest town to Mariovo, and after that by car to the camp, where we stayed three days and sleep in our tent. Traveling with train to Prilep gave us an opportunity to take pictures from every train station along the route. This was similar with our first Wikiexpedition, when we take pictures of every train station from Skopje to Negotino.
During our journey to the official camp for the festival, we visited and take a photos of two villages. We had a small mechanical and technical problems first day in the camp, so we didn`t have a chance to ride our bicycles. That's why, we decided to visit the nearest village around the camp and the beautiful monastery from Middle Age. Later, we solved our mechanical problems and made a ride around the village Manastir. In the evening, two members of our team spent three hours on the rocks around the village Manastir and successfully made a lot of pictures with the bright sky and a lot of stars.
Next day, we make a three hours trip by foot to the village Zovikj, which is famous because of the stone bridge. The bridge is very beautiful and it`s in the untouched nature of Macedonia, also famous for the scenes in the Macedonian film Dust directed by the Macedonian director Milcho Manchevski.
Sunday was the main day of the festival. We visited five villages and two monasteries with our bicycles. The tour had length of 38 km and was rode of the dusty and dried roads and on some parts with asphalt. The lunch, which was typical traditional Macedonian food, was served in the monastery of the village Vitolishte.
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