GLAM/Newsletter/May 2017/Single
#1lib1ref in Buenos Aires, Participation in WikiCite and the editing challenge of the month
#1lib1ref in Buenos Aires
The aims of this activity was to get in touch with the community of librarians of Argentina and let them know the importance of the reference in Wikipedia. We met on May 18th and during a day we trained 22 librarians from different institutions of the city of Buenos Aires, in these workshop we explained the importance of Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation and present the project #1lib1ref (1 librarian 1 reference) and which are the steps to add reference the Wikipedia articles.
Logo 1lib1ref
1lib1ref Buenos Aires
1lib1ref Buenos Aires
Participation in WikiCite

Our Wikipedian in Residence participated of WikiCite 2016, this event was made in the city of Vienna, Austria from the 24 to the 25 of May. The objective of this annual meeting is to bring together Wikimedia collaborators, data modellers, information and library experts, software engineers, designers and academic researchers who have experience working with Wikipedia citations and bibliographic. The participation of our WIR was fundamental to get in touch with all the novelties of the GLAM movement and to think strategies for our local chapter.
Wikimedia Argentina challenge
During may we made a new edition challenge for the entire community of editors of Wikipedia in Spanish, the objective of this challenge was to:
- Categorize as many uncategorized articles in Wikipedia in Spanish.
- Work with the photos of the sport magazine El Gráfico and create new articles of athletes or use this photos in articles of Spanish Wikipedia.
The editing challenge is still running but in one month the community positioned more than a thousand new photographs in articles in Spanish Wikipedia.
State Library of Western Australia
Western Australian Wikimedians have started a three-month-long residency in the BiblioTECH incubator space at the State Library of Western Australia. Until the end of August, they have a largish room, desks and other facilities, fast wifi, and a general remit to use SLWA resources in their work on Wikimedia projects.
A number of Wikimedians are working from the space on a daily basis, including User:Samwilson (who also works for the WMF, in Community Tech).
For more information, see Meta:State Library of Western Australia.
Wikipedia session for museums; education for library staff
On 29 May 2017 we gave a Wikipedia session for museum staff from various museums from the two Belgian provinces West Flanders and East Flanders, working together in Erfgoedinzicht. There we gave an introduction in how Wikipedia works, its relationship with Wikimedia, and what kind of projects and activities can be done together with museums.
Education for library staff

As result of the success of the two earlier editions in March 2017, a new edition of the educational session was planned on 30 May 2017. The session took place in the province building in Leuven. After describing how Wikipedia works, what Wikimedia is, and how to edit Wikipedia articles, the participants started with writing articles to get a full feeling with Wikipedia.
Articulating new volunteers
Articulating new volunteers
The month of May was dedicated to the articulation and engagement of new volunteers. During the first fortnight we dedicated ourselves to contacting interested parties and preparing a meeting that took place on May 13 at the SESC Research and Training Center. The meeting was a great opportunity to present the Wiki universe, the various Wikimedia projects and the areas of activity of the Wiki Education Brazil Group and gather interested in contributing to the actions. We talked about projects such as the Wiki Loves Earth and Wiki Loves Momunents contests, talked about the UNESCO Challenge, which was in its final stretch, presented initiatives for the translation of publications and talked about our new Mulheres da Cultura (Women of Culture) project, among others.

After the meeting, it was already possible to engage those interested in specific activities and start mobilizing for the new project. The first meeting dedicated to Mulheres da Cultura will take place on June 10.
Edit-a-thon on Immigration Museum of São Paulo
Another important activity this month was the Edit-a-thon on Immigration that took place last May 20, in partnership with the Immigration Museum of São Paulo. The event was part of the museum's program for the 15th National Museum Week, sponsored by IBRAM, whose theme was "Museums and controversial stories: to say the unspeakable in museums".
The proposal for the meeting was a day of activities, with an introduction of the Wikimedia universe and training of editing in the morning and editing in the articles selected in the afternoon. The museum team participated by suggesting themes and articles to be improved and making available material from its bibliographic collection. Participated in the event two classes of Training courses for cultural agents and socio-environmental development of the Don Bosco Obra Social, and the representative of the Migramundo website, who reported on the event in his profile on the Instagram.
Editing training
Preparing a Wikimedia 2030 workshop with GLAM partners
Training and preparation meetups
Since the official beginning of Wikimedia 2030 strategy process last March, Wikimedia Community User Group of Côte d'Ivoire (WCUG-CI) has been taking part in discussions as shows its Cycle 1 discussion summary. For the Cycle 2 of discussion, our main goal is to make GLAM partners and like-minded experts embark on this strategy process and express their views.
From 28th May to 05th June, a set of online and in-person meetings were organized with board members of WCUG-CI and volunteers in order to prepare our second Wikimedia 2030 workshop scheduled for 10th June: a 3-hour workshop gathering GLAM partners alongside with education and media expert in view of defining what the future of Wikimedia movement should be. During that workshop the main 5 themes of the Cycle 2 discussions will be explored. To facilitate and stimulate interactions, participants will be split up into groups of 3-5 individuals, and each group will be appointed a discussion facilitator.-
Samuel, GLAM-Wiki coordinator, explains the general context of Wikimedia 2030 to volunteer discussion facilitators and reporters
Answering questions regarding the 5 themes of Cycle 2
Discussion facilitators and reporters staring at the screen where examples of discussion summaries are featured.
List of appointed facilitators and their themes
No | Facilitator | Theme |
1 | Modjou | Healthy, inclusive communities (A) |
2 | African Hope | Advancing with technology (B) |
3 | Papischou | A truly global movement (C) |
4 | Emmanuel Dabo | The most respected source of knowledge (D) |
5 | Aman ADO | Participating in the knowledge network (E) |
Rennes Archives; Archives Nationales
Rennes Archives
Almost 4 years after the first workshop (blog post), a second one was organised at the City Archives of Rennes (Archives municipales de Rennes).
Archives Nationales
After eight uploads with the GLAM Wiki Toolset requiring heavy volunteer support, the Archives nationales de France (French National archives) have successfully completed their first upload by themselves, using the ComeOn! upload tool. The Archives published 26 ancient documents from their temporary exhibition Présumées coupables (presumed guilty [women]). Some staff from the Archives was trained with the tool, more uploads are to come.
Central Public Library of Düsseldorf
A new collaboration with the central public library of Düsseldorf

German students attending high schools have to write a so-called Facharbeit, a scientific paper about a chosen subject. To help with understanding on how to use sources and citations the public library of the city of Düsseldorf held workshops for students. The Wikipedian Rogi.Official offered help for these workshops by Wikipedians. On Saturday, the 27th of May 2017 the director of the library Stephan Schwering and the library's head of digital customer service Maike Lins invited Wikipedians to discuss a collaboration. The library representatives were very interested in working to together with Wikipedians in several activities of the library. With the help of Wikimedia Deutschland Ra'ike could bring many Wikipedia brochures for the library.
7 Wikipedians were present and could offer:
- Regular Wikipedia and Wikimedia presentations, schoolings and workshops in the order of once a month,
- Wikipedia consultation hours modelled on existing Wikipedia consultation hours in Bremen, Dresden, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich, Stuttgart, Ulm and Vienna (see Wikipedia:Sprechstunde),
- Participation in the "Library Lab", a week informing about digital resources,
- Participation in the library's help for scientific school assignments of students with research, citations and licenses
The library wrote about the meeting on Twitter and Facebook. The coordination page of the collaboration can be found at de:Wikipedia:Düsseldorf/Stadtbücherei.
Edi-a-thon in Cologne

In May the Wikipedia community held an Edit-a-thon together with the Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR), who will be the operator of the upcoming Jewish/archaeological Museum MiQua (currently under construction by the City of Cologne). 10 Wikipedians joined the weekend. On Saturday two research fellowers of the LVR explained the concept of the museum in all details and gave an introduction into the specialist literature which was present to use by us.
It was the second activity together with LVR after a special guided tour in December 2016 for Wikipedians through the Praetorium, n museum in Cologne.
Presentation to the Department of Culture of Cologne

As a follow-up of the above Edit-a-thon the Wikimedian Raymond was invited to hold a short presentation (~ 10 minutes) about the activties of Wikipedians in Cologne for the public relations managers of all GLAMs of Cologne. Raymond took this opportunity to show ~25 spokespersons the bandwidth of our work: writing articles, taking pictures, organizing projects.
Terry Pratchett workshop
Terry Pratchett workshop
The Library of Trinity College Dublin partnered with Wikimedia Community Ireland to deliver a workshop to celebrate the work of Terry Pratchett. Pratchett was an adjunct Professor in the School of English, and after his death Colin Smythe donated a large collection of Pratchett's work to the Library. This collection includes many of the translations of Pratchett's novels, and ancillary works. Many of the library staff took part in the event, which saw participants edit Wikipedia articles, as well as Wikidata entries.
Sacred art and videogames
Edit-a-thon at the Tridentine Diocesan Museum - branch of Villa Lagarina

Villa Lagarina is just a small comune in Trentino (northern Italy) but it contains a lot of treasures! During the course of many centuries the noble family Lodron called many artists to work in the local Church of the Assumption (Chiesa di Santa Maria Assunta).
A branch of the Tridentine Diocesan Museum (Museo Diocesano Tridentino) was founded in 2000 to hold some of the works of art originally made for the Church. The Tridentine Diocesan Museum had already hosted an edit-a-thon in its main headquarter in Trento in September 2016, and now it has hosted one in its branch of Villa Lagarina!
In the morning the wikipedians visited the Church and the Museum. In the afternoon they did an edit-a-thon, hosted by the local library. New articles were created on Italian Wikipedia about artists that have been active in Villa Lagarina (Nicolò Dorigati, Gaspare Antonio Baroni Cavalcabò, Cristoforo and Teodoro Benedetti), several were improved, and some images were uploaded. There were ten participants, including some new users!
Edit-a-thon at the Videogame Archive of the Cineteca di Bologna

The Cineteca di Bologna is a film archive where important collections are hosted and restored, like all the works by Charlie Chaplin. Scholars and students can access movies, books and audio recordings in the Renzo Renzi library.
Inside the library, since 2009 there is also a videogame archive (Archivio videoludico). There, users can inform themselves about videogames thanks to available dissertations, publications and magazines, while also play and study the actual videgames thanks to dedicated hardware.
On May 13th, sixteen people, Wikimedians and game enthusiasts alike, gathered for an edit-a-thon on science fiction and videogames. Before the edit-a-thon, curators showed set pictures from the early 1900, drawings of scenes from The Great Dictator (some never shot) and the collection of the Archivio Videoludico, containing both games and hardware, like Commodore 64 and Virtual Boy.
The edit-a-thon started after lunch and ran up until the library closing time. Ten attendees had little or no experience on Wikipedia, and half of the participants were women. Someone traveled for more than 2 hours to join!
The curator and local Wikimedia Italia volounteers had selected a list of articles to be improved and many magazines containing reviews and comments, both in Italian and English.
In the end, 13 articles have been improved, with about 70 new references and 4 new sections added. Pictures are being uploaded to a category on Commons.
Curators and participants were very happy, we are planning to run more events there on cross-media topics.
Other events
May 12th, Università di Firenze, Giaccai held a presentation Wikipedia, un luogo dove raccontare le donne" at AIB, UDI, conference " Femminile plurale, narrazione di donne attraverso biblioteche e archivi"
May 20th, Cernobbio (CO): Villa Bernasconi edit-a-thon, valorisation project "Liberty Tutti". Partecipated Marta Pigazzini (Wikimedia Italia coordinator of Lombardia), Dario Crespi, Stefano Dal Bo and Cristina Benassi.
May 20th, Salone del libro, Torino. Anna Maria Marras, Museums and Archives National coordinator, was invited with Giuliano Volpe to present of the book "La democrazia della conoscenza. Patrimoni culturali, sistemi informativi e open data: accesso libero ai beni comuni?"
From idea to award and ArchiWiki edit-a-thon
ICOM award for Wiki Club

At the international day of the Museums, 18th of May, the first Wiki Club in Macedonia received an award. It is a practice that on this day, once in a year, ICOM awards the best projects which are active in the Museums in Macedonia. This year, the first Wiki Club received this award.
About the Wiki Club
The first Wiki Club in Macedonia was establish in the Museum of Macedonian struggle in Skopje by GLAM Macedonia. First day of Wiki Club was 19th October 2016. We have students coming from at least 5 schools from Skopje, all coming from different part of the city, most of them by bus, using their free time. At the moment, 77 students passed the training on how to edit Wikipedia. The members created more than 183 articles, and improved more than 230 articles. Wiki Club members were part of four edit-a-thons till now.
ArchiWiki edit-a-thon

ArchiWiki (Архивики) was our second edit-a-thon for this year, held in conjunction with the architectural design centre Arhipunkt (Архипункт), and architectural website MARH. This edit-a-thon is held second year in row, after very successful first edition in 2016. The purpose of this undertaking was to enrich the Macedonian Wikipedia with varied content about architecture.
On Tuesday, 23 May 2017, members of Shared Knowledge held a workshop in NewMan's Business Accelerator in Skopje, where Arhipunkt is located. On the first day, participants were introduced to the basics of Wikipedia editing and free licencing. The edit-a-thon itself started on Wednesday, 24 May and lasted for about 8 hours.
Prior to the edit-a-thon, the organisers prepared a list of article topics, covering the following areas:
- Architectural terms;
- Architectural movements and styles;
- Architects of Macedonia and the world;
- Notable buildings in Macedonia;
- Architectural events, awards and institutions.
The participants had been provided with a wealth of literature to use. They also created a draft-article structure for each page, so as to insure the conceptual integrity of their writing.
With this topic and this kind of cooperation we want to increase quality and quantity of Macedonian Wikipedia, because we don`t have a lot of articles about architecture on the Macedonian Wikipedia. With this edit-a-thon we changed that and we hope that these "newcomers" will continue writing to improves article about architecture.
Outcomes and results of the competition
After the all preparations such as providing and distribution of literature, making draft-article structure for each page, teaching of basic editing tools, the beginning of the edit-a-thon was scheduled to start on Wednesday, 24 May 2016, and lasted a full 8 hours. The edit-a-thon had 10 participants (plus additional members of Community like mentors), who created a total of 21 articles. As last year, over two thirds of the participants at the edit-a-thon were female, which was a nice surprise for all of us.
The Mind of the Universe; Photos of Syria; Wikipedian in Residence project Memory of the World
The Mind of the Universe: public broadcaster works with Wikimedia movement
The Mind of the Universe: public broadcaster works with Wikimedia movement
Dutch public broadcaster VPRO and the Institute for Sound and Vision are cooperating with the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Nederland to make unique footage about groundbreaking science available. The Mind of the Universe is an international tv series and open source digital platform about the rapid evolution of our knowledge. Through interviews with groundbreaking scientists, it provides a glimpse of tomorrow’s world,
The interviews were produced in 2015, 2016 and 2017 by Dutch public broadcaster VPRO for a tv series, VPRO decided from the start that all materials (including footage not used for the documentary) would be made available under an open license. The platform Mind of the Universe Open Science TV provides access to all this material. It also has transcripts of the interviews, which are searchable by keyword. All materials can be downloaded and re-used, as they were published under a CC BY-SA license.
With the help of a grant from the Wikimedia Foundation, and working closely with Wikimedia Nederland, the Institute for Sound and Vision will host a series of events to promote use Mind of the Universe material throughout the Wikimedia projects. They will also produce a white paper to share their experiences and promote the concept of CC BY-SA licensing among public broadcasters worldwide. For the Wikimedia projects the Mind of the Universe material is a valuable contribution: it is professionally made material, featuring the leading scientists of today explaining the state of research in their fields of work. The material also includes footage of research facilities, including some which had never before allowed cameras inside.
Photos of Syria on Wikimedia Commons
For years, Syria has been the scene of a bloody civil war resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths, millions of refugees, and the destruction of entire cities. The recent image donation by the Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen (the National Museum of World Cultures) in the Netherlands shows another Syria. Many of these photos were taken in the 1980s and show scenes of daily life and images and cities not yet devastated by war. Other images show objects from the collection of the museum. Together, they form a valuable resource on Syria for the various Wikimedia projects. The upload consists of 352 photos in total and can be accessed here. It coincides with a photo exhibition in the NMvW on Aleppo.
Short Wikipedian in Residence project for UNESCO - Memory of the World started

As announced in last month's newsletter, Wikimedian Spinster (Sandra Fauconnier) has started working as a short-term Wikimedian in Residence with three Dutch cultural institutions that have UNESCO documentary world heritage (Memory of the World) in their collections. In June-September, Sandra will work at the Zeeuws Archief, Utrecht University Library and the International Institute of Social History. More information and updates about the project can be read on the project page (in Dutch).
Releasement of images from National Museum of Ceramics and Decorative Arts
National Museum of Ceramics and Decorative Arts

On May, the González Martí National Museum of Ceramics and Decorative Arts in Valencia uploaded, under a free license, 25 images of artworks from its collection to Wikimedia Commons. Most of these pictures are related to Pinazo family. In 2016, the museum celebrated the anniversary of death of the Valencian painter Ignacio Pinazo Camarlench and because of that reason they hosted an edit-a-thon about that family, on December 2016; now they have contributed to improving the illustration of those articles.
Wikipedia courses at libraries
Two new Wikipedia courses took place in two libraries in Valladolid. On May 4, librarians from the network of public libraries of Castile and Leon attended an intensive course on Wikipedia at the public library of Valladolid: history, how to edit, rules and policies... planning in promoting the use of Wikipedia in their libraries. On the other hand, a four sessions course was organized at Reina Sofía Library, of the University of Valladolid. It was the 7th edition of this course and several professors and librarians of the university attended to know the Wikimedia projects, policies, how to edit, creating a new article and the use of Wikipedia as an educational tool.
Connected Open Heritage; Sounds of Changes
Connected Open Heritage
Batchupload of images from The Swedish Cyprus Expedition completed
At the end of May we finalized the upload of 604 images from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition 1927-1931. This batch is the second batchupload in cooperation with Medelhavsmuseet, a part of the National Museums of World Culture in Sweden. The expedition was lead by the three archaeologist Einar Gjerstad, Erik Sjöqvist and Alfred Westholm. To draw pictures they were also accompanied by architect John Lindros. Several of his drawings are available in the uploaded batch of images.
The images depicts a wide variety of scenes and objects. Many of them contains the multitude of local and international people involved in the Expedition in everyday situations in Cyprus and back in Sweden, as well as the excavation sites and findings. Several of the photos could also be classified as "behind the scenes" shoots from the expedition.
In general, a large number of the images are quite poorly described in regards to what the image actually depicts and would therefore need manual categorization and description. Help from the community would therefore be highly appreciated! For that purpose we've created a category with the images that is especially poorly described.
The crew on the last day of the expedition.
Cholades. No 438 en face. Soli.
Ford ? N520. Kerynia.
Drawing from the field.
Sounds of Changes

As a follow up project to Work With Sounds, a new project called Sounds of Changes has been granted money and will kick off during the fall. As with the previous project the focus is documenting and making sure the soundscape of industrial machinery, household appliances, street corners and other things you don't normally listen to are saved and are available for future generations. One part of the project is Wiki study circles where each participating country museums will cooperate with the national Wikipedia organisation and offer study courses or circles with the purpose of using recorded sounds in Wikipedia articles. The project will start in September 2017 and last until November 2019, and is a cooperation between Muzeum Inżynierii Miejskiej, Poland, LWL-Industriemuseum, Germany, Technical Museum of Slovenia, Slovenia, The Finnish Labour Museum Werstas, Finland and the Museum of Work and Air Force Museum in Sweden.
Spreading Enlightenment
Several UK volunteers, as well as representatives from UK universities and other organisations, attended WikiCite in Vienna. See this month's Wikidata report.
Digitisation Grants Available
The TWA Digitisation Grant fund is aimed at UK archives (including business archives), special collections libraries and museums, and offers funding grants of up to £5000 for institutions to digitise their collections. The fund will be accepting applications until 7 July 2017. More details and how to apply can be found at:
Due to the work of the University of Oxford Wikimedian In Residence, Martin Poulter, Oxford University Press have added the biographical dictionary Electronic Enlightenment to the Wikipedia Library. EE has been added to the OUP Scholarship package, which gives access for one year at a time to EE and eight other reference resources. EE has shared its person identifiers with Wikidata, and more than 3,000 individuals have been matched. This allows us to create target lists of people in both EE and Wikidata who lack a Wikipedia article, or who lack an English Wikipedia article but have articles in other languages.
Martin presented at a meeting of the GLAM Digital Strategy Implementation Board about Wikidata as a platform for turning GLAM catalogue data into materials to support research and education. The next step is to press for a pilot project with some museum data. Other presentations and workshops this month included IT Services, the Department of Psychiatry, the department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, the Cairns Library at the John Radcliffe Hospital, the Negotiated Text Network (which has a lot of detail about the creation of "contested texts" such as the Constitution of the United States) and the AssyrOnline group (an international collaboration sharing data, text and images about objects with Cuneiform inscriptions).
Staff at EE and Wikisource volunteers are taking part in a Wikisource transcription of a biographical dictionary of printers. Help is welcome!
We are working through a data donation from the Atlas of Hillforts (a new database of archaeological sites in the UK and Ireland) to prepare for import into Wikidata.
The journal Vestiges: Traces of Record is trying a journal-to-wiki publication workflow to improve Wikipedia's coverage of Cameroon. Starting this summer, the journal will host biographical notes written by field researchers. These short biographies will be published by the journal under a CC-By licence, from where they can be copied with attribution into Wikipedia. Martin is acting as an editorial advisor to ensure the articles are Wikipedia-compatible.
Artworks Challenge, Women/Media Edit-a-thon, D.C. Protests caught on .jpg, and lots in Wikipedia + Libraries
Library of Congress, Wikipedia and Civic Engagement
On May 12, Wikimedia DC members Kelly Doyle, Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight and Andrew Lih gave a presentation at the Library of Congress for the Association of Centers for the Study of Congress regarding Wikipedia and Civic Engagement. They described major Wikimedia community initiatives to the gathering of academics and archivists from across the US - Wikimedians in Residence, content improvement and Wikidata. Doyle talked about her experience at West Virginia University, while User:Rosiestep talked about how missing articles in Wikipedia could benefit from the help of those in the audience. Lih introduced Wikidata and how it could be used for research, and how researchers could help document the location of archives of Congressmen past and present. The presentation slides can be found here.
Met Open Access Artworks Challenge
Met Open Access Artworks Challenge has begun. It lasts from 15 May to 30 June, 2017. There is a nifty draft article generator, and there are prizes.
DC LaborFest 2017
University of Maryland, had a meetup at the AFL-CIO Archives, w:Wikipedia:Meetup/DC/UMDLabor2017.
Women in Media and Politics Edit-a-thon
Women's Media Center, National Democratic Institute, and Wikimedia DC had a meetup, Women in Media and Politics Edit-a-thon. KellyDoyle and Rosiestep did training.
May Day Protests
Protests about FBI director dismissal
Wikipedia + Libraries continues interview series
Wikipedia + Libraries: Better Together, an OCLC project building bridges between public libraries and Wikipedia, continues the "Librarians Who Wikipedia" series:
- OCLC WIR Monika Sengul-Jones interviewed Tiffany Bailey, of Dallas Public Library, who joined up with Consuelo Gutierrez of The Cedars Union, an incubator for the arts, and Kate Aoki of The Dallas Architecture Forum. Together they ran an all-day Art+Feminism event at the Dallas Public Library, with childcare. About 20 participants attended and five children. The organizers taught themselves to edit Wikipedia from the toolkit provided by Art+Feminism. They reported that no other Wikipedians attended. Their successes are a tribute to the usefulness and portability of the toolkit. Hat tip to the A+F team (tagging Failed Projects Sian Evans The Red Project) for the toolkit.
- OCLC WIR Monika Sengul-Jones interviewed Andrea Davis and Christina Moretta, of the San Francisco Public Library. They organized Queerest Wikipedia Edit-a-thon in San Francisco in 2016. They reported "super users" joined the event and got library cards; Davis spoke highly of Dreamyshade's initiative and presentation. Afterwards, the librarians attended the Bay area WikiSalon to continue the conversation.
One insight for GLAM and outreach folks from these interviews: these librarians either didn't know about (Davis and Moretta), or didn't find useful and thus didn't update (Bailey, Gutierrez and Aoki), the outreach dashboard. This is an opportunity to probe what might be missing from the dashboard's functionality that might lead to a more effective harmonization of the dashboard with the interests of public library staff, who are seeking to build community and keep barriers to entry low. Food for thought. In the meantime, a hat tip to Ragesoss for continuing to make the dashboard awesome for outreach.
- Know a librarian who Wikipedias? Sengul-Jones continues to recruit librarians who Wikipedia to be interviewees.
Wikipedia + Libraries at ALA in Chicago, June 22-27
Stories from public librarians, research libraries, and special collections who have engaged Wikipedia will be featured during
- Conversation Starter
- Research Presentation
- Learning Round Table
at the annual American Libraries Association (ALA) conference in Chicago (June 22-27, 2017). Bonus! available at the OCLC booth will be a [Citation needed] sticker. Oo! Any Wikipedians going to ALA and want to connect?? Drop by the OCLC table or one of these events.
ISBN Cite Tool's relevance for the L in GLAM
May ushered in the inclusion of ISBNs in Wikipedia's Cite Tool. Excellent collaborative work from Wikipedian Merrilee Proffitt and the Wikipedia Library's Jake Orlowitz who were instrumental in making this happen. Hooray! Less than a month after the addition, the news is getting library staff excited about Wikipedia. Why? While Wikipedians might find news of the addition spells relief from the tedium of creating a citation, this tool increases the visibility of library collections online! More visibility of library collections leads to more Wikipedia readers and editors accessing free authoritative, verifiable reference materials — which can be offline. The tool thus provides more ways that people can discover how to freely access knowledge and information online and offline. Win-win!
WikiCite, new tools, and more
GLAM news
- WikiCite, took pace in Vienna. This three-day event combined conference, seminars and hackathon, on the topics of how to store and access citation metadata in Wikidata. Videos of and slides from many of the talks are available, as are notes from others, and from the hack sessions.
- proposes to encourage the use of Wikidata as a common entity base for the target of the sameAs relation
- we've been improving the documentation for the property constraints, the beginner documentation about Wikidata, how to install Wikibase. You can help!
- Met Open Access Artworks Challenge (until 30 June) help improve data about the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
- Eurowings in-flight app uses Wikidata
Further reading
- Six degrees on Wikidata
- Some statistics on scholarly data in Wikidata
- Wikidata for librarians
- Paper: Becoming Wikidatians: evolution of participation in a collaborative structured knowledge base
Tech developments
- You can now track the number of identifier properties for an item
- Tabular data files datatype is now enabled
- The extension RevisionSlider is now available by default on Wikidata. Try it on a talk or project page!
- New tool: Wikidata to CSV
- OSMgadget is a tool to help Wikipedia editors find objects in OpenStreetMap, and tag them with their Wikidata IDs
- The OSM ↔ Wikidata matcher tool
New GLAM-related properties
- light sector
- Canadian Coastguard Lighthouse ID
- contributed to published work
- NLL player ID
- Italian Senate ID
- ALPG golfer ID
- Stereo Ve Mono artist ID
- BioRxiv ID
- ID
- MLL player ID
- Directorio Grierson ID
- RANM member ID
- Old Bailey Proceedings ID
- Tumblr ID
- rider ID
- Israel Antiquities Authority ID
- OlimpBase Chess Olympiad player ID
- ESTC citation number
- Reactome pathway ID
- NFF person profile ID
- Chamber of Deputies of Italy ID
- face value
- Cinema ID
- Digital Valencian Library author ID
- copyright owner
- driver or co-driver ID
- V&A item ID
- MotoGP racer ID
- athlete ID
- USATF athlete ID
- Track and Field Statistics male athlete ID
- Track and Field Statistics female athlete ID
- Diamond League athlete ID
- Unifrance person ID
- Unifrance company ID
- IECIC 2015 ID
- Songkick venue ID
- BVMC work ID
- secretary general
- Nature preserve in North Rhine-Westphalia ID
- PIM authority ID
- PASE Domesday place
- PASE Domesday person ID
- channel number
- signed form
- CETS no.
- Bridgeman artist ID
- BDCYL authority ID
- Clochers de France ID
- Global Trade Item Number
- Unifrance film ID
- Base biographique AUTOR ID
- NNL work ID
- ID
- racon signal
- Vitaskrá ID
- SSB urban settlement number
- Austrian Textbook ID
- EKATTE place ID
- members have occupation
- National Library Board Singapore ID
- SHARE Catalogue author ID
- Sequence Ontology ID
- subreddit
- sports league level
- TA98 Latin term
- Misjonsarkiv person ID
- Unifrance person ID
- Unifrance company ID
- IECIC 2015 ID
- Songkick venue ID
- BVMC work ID
- nature preserve in North Rhine-Westphalia ID
- PIM authority ID
- PASE Domesday place
- PASE Domesday person ID
You are invited to comment on all open property proposals.
Documentation, Categorization and Reviewing what we know!
Case Study Portal and Newsletter Categorization drive need your support!
This month, Alex focused heavily on reviewing and revising the framework for documentation on the GLAM portal on outreach. First, by finishing the second of two portals focused on different project models used within the Wikimedia community: GLAM/Sharing_Knowledge which accompanies GLAM/Digital collections. These pages are drafts based on what Alex has been learning from Wikimedia communities what tactics they have employed throughout the years.
As part of the project, Alex has developed a draft new portal for entering the GLAM project models and Case Studies: Join the conversation here.
Additionally, in collaboration with the Education team at the Wikimedia Foundation, Alex deployed a new structured form with prompts to help folks create high quality case studies: see the initial section of the Case studies page.
One of the outcomes of the GLAM coordinators meeting in February, was an identified need for improving the organization of content in the GLAM-Wiki Newsletter. After a second meeting at WMCON in March, a small working group determined that one of the low hanging fruit would be categorizing This Month in GLAM to better make it usable for future analysis and facilitation of its usage for others. The page for the project is at this link.
You can help!
There are several ways that you can help:
- Join the conversation about the new portal
- Join the categorization drive
- Write a case study of one of your projects
Alex has provided consultations, including:
- An referral of an U.S. Organization interested in Women in Sports, from WMCH
- A project that Library and Archives Canada is developing with Wikimedia Canada
- Music in Canada Wikidata Project
- Creative Commons is initiating design of a OpenGLAM framework related to Creative Commons licenses
- GLAMpipe team
- Documentation of the Math Video Project at Sau Paulo (see blog post below)
- Several other referrals from within the WMF
From the WMF Blog
Several GLAM and heritage projects have been highlighted in the WMF blog, including:
- Czech–Polish ‘Wikiexpedition’ ends with over three thousand photos of historic Silesia
- Pairing videos with math: Illustrating mathematical concepts in Brazil
- You can now add automatically generated citations to millions of books on Wikipedia
June's GLAM events
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