GLAM/Newsletter/November 2015/Contents/Open Access report
OpenCon; Robots, oysters and amber
On November 14-16, about 150 mostly young people came together at OpenCon in Brussels to exchange experiences and discuss recent and future developments in the areas of open access, open data, open educational resources. Amongst the speakers were Jimmy Wales and Michael Eisen, who stressed that researchers can and should engage more actively with Wikipedia and its sister projects.
In the weeks around that central event in Brussels, dozens of satellite events on the same topics are taking place around the globe.
Recent uploads: helpful robots, light-sensitive oysters, taxonomic treasures enclosed in amber
The following represents a selection of the files that have been uploaded this month from open-access sources. Most of these came from PubMed Central through the Open Access Media Importer, whose uploads now total about 20,900. If you can think of wiki pages where these files (or other files from the same source articles) could be useful, please put them in there or let us know.