GLAM/Newsletter/October 2017/Contents/Italy report
Experts training on GLAM projects
ByOld maps on Wikimedia Commons
Trento. The first 150 old maps of the Municipal Library heritage are available online on Wikimedia Commons: Atlantis Magni Tomus Tertius (Biblioteca comunale di Trento). This work, carried out under the GLAM project Geografie del mondo antico (Geographies of the Early modern period) by the Wikipedian in residence and volunteer of Servizio Civile Universale Provinciale Francesco Serra, will continue until April 30, 2018.
WWI texts on Wikisource by Trento Municipal Library
Trento Municipal Library, in collaboration with University of Pisa and Centro di Linguistica Computazionale "A.Zampolli" of National Research Council of Pisa, is working on a Wikisource project about the analysis of the language used in a series of World War I texts. The material digitized, uploaded on Internet Archive and Wikimedia Commons consists of the following books:
Sui monti, nel cielo e nel mare by Luigi Barzini, Il mio diario di guerra by Benito Mussolini, Discorsi di guerra by Paolo Boselli, Noi Arditi by Mario Carli, Dal Trentino al Carso by Luigi Barzini.
Wikipedian in residence at ICAR and BEIC
Rome. In the Eternal City, the team of ICAR (Istituto centrale per gli archivi, Central Institute for Archives) just completed the basic training led by the Wikipedian in residence, Marco Chemello. The ICAR team is now ready to contribute to Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons, and in November is beginning to transfer contents from 6 portals of the SAN (Sistema archivistico nazionale), the National Archive System of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism. At the same time, Marco is working as a Wikipedian in residence at BEIC, Milan, whose team is also active on Wikisource and Wikidata.
October 31th
Fisciano (SA), Università di Salerno, Biblioteca del Polo Umanistico E.R. Caianiello, Claudio Forziati will address the regional assembly of AIB members with a report on the GLAM / AIB Campania project.
October 28th
Potenza: inauguration of photographic exhibitions Wiki Loves Monuments and Connected Open Heritage at the Pinacoteca Provinciale of Potenza.
October 7- 14- 28th
Villongo (BS), course for users of the Seriate Lakes Librarian System within the Romanesque project. Itineraries of history and culture in Bass Sebino, funded by Fondazione Cariplo and held by Federico Benvenuti.
October 26th
Rovigo, workshop led by Marco Chemello (Veneto coordinator) at the seminar in the field of Master Degree Course in Management of Educational Services and Continuing Education (DM270), held by prof. Corrado Petrucco. In the next months, students will be asked to write articles about local cultural heritage and learning sciences.
October 24th-25th
Foggia, Luigi Catalani teaches about 1500 students, in the Municipal Theater "Umberto Giordano", the features of Wikimedia platforms for the dissemination of knowledge and the promotion of the territory.
October 23rd
Roma, Luigi Catalani speaks to a group of teachers and school librarians of Wikipedia as a learning and library community at school at the International Seminar on 'Libraries for Learning', organized by the Ministry of Public Education.
October 13th
Torino, course for librarians and teachers on "Wikipedia and Wikimedia projects as a learning community in the library and at school", organized by the Italian libraries association and held by Luigi Catalani.