GLAM/Newsletter/November 2020/Contents/Netherlands report
Wikipedia and Education, Funding granted for two projects in 2021, KB completes collection highlights project
ByWikipedia and Education
Wikipedia is an important source of information for people all over the world.But what are the rules, who writes the articles and how is quality guaranteed? And what role can Wikipedia play in education? On November 6th, LOOWI (working group of the Cooperative University libraries) organized an interesting online meeting with more than 80 information specialists to give an insight in the world of Wikipedia. Denise Jansen of Wikimedia Netherlands gave a presentation about Wikipedia, and several speakers from the education sector shared their experiences. Odin Essers, curator of Special Collections Maastricht University, presented about courses within the Wikipedia education program. These are, for example, the courses 'On Expedition, Historical Book Review' and 'Opening up old books: investigating the botanical archives of Maastricht'.
Funding granted for two projects in 2021
We received news that two project applications for 2021 have been granted:
Share your Data on Colonial Heritage and Media Art on Wikipedia
The Stichting GO-fonds will financially support a WMNL project. "Sharing Dutch colonial heritage with the world" is a series of master classes for employees of archives and heritage institutions in the European and Caribbean Netherlands on sharing knowledge and collections. In 2019 we already gave a similar series of master classes (Share your Data).
Media Art on Wikimedia
The Mondriaan Fund has approved a project application 'Media Art on Wikimedia'. This project was developed by LIMA, the institute for media art. Wikimedia Nederland is one of the partners and also participated in the pilot prior to the application.
Koninklijke Bibliotheek puts all collection highlights on Wikidata and Wikimedia Commons
The national library of The Netherlands completed their 'Collection highlights' project in November. In short, a couple of numbers: in six months nearly 11.000 public domain images of the 59 copyright free collection highlights have been put on Wikimedia Commons and a total of more than 30.000 edits about the seventy collection highlights have been made to Wikidata in that period. Apart from the images we also managed to present the following items under a free licence: all the web texts on collection highlights written on the website (mainly in Dutch, but some in English), [Category:Beatrijs (audio)|eleven audio files] of an employee reading the Middle Dutch poem of Beatrijs and one video of a presentation on a children's book (in Dutch).
All this recently added information on the KB's collection highlights (images, video, data, web texts and audio files) can be used freely by educational organisations, cultural heritage institutions, wikimedians, researchers and anybody else who wants to know more about these amazing Dutch language literary works. December 17th 2020 there will be a virtual presentation via Teams on the collection highlights project of the KB on the wikimedia platforms (in Dutch). If anyone is interested in participating (or in an English language presentation): don't hesitate to get in touch with [[User:DanielleJWiki|DanielleJWiki).
Annotate art to improve machine learning
The Saint George on A Bike project is inviting Wikimedians to add depicts statements to art on Wikimedia Commons. The project hopes that these additional depicts statements can pave the way for automated suggestions of depicts statements through machine learning.
Get started adding depicts statements.