Educación/Acerca de

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This page is a translated version of the page Education/Archive/About and the translation is 11% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

A idea na que se sustenta o Programa de Educación de Wikipedia é simple: Que educadores e estudantes de todo o mundo contribúan a Wikipedia e outros proxectos de Wikimedia nun ámbito académico.

Wikipedia está sendo utilizada como unha ferramenta de ensinanza na educación en todo o mundo (ver lista de países). Nalgunhas partes do mundo, a organización académica baséase nunha clase tradicional, onde a edición é un exercicio de clase. Nalgunhas partes do mundo, os estudantes contribúen ós proxectos Wikimedia como un servizo á comunidade, ou como parte dun club ou un campamento, ou wikimartóns, hackatóns e obradoiros. Nalgúns lugares, os profesores aprenden como editar Wikipedia como parte da súa formación como profesores. E nalgúns casos, hai acordos cos gobernos entre grupos de wikimedistas e axencias académicas.

Programs are run by Wikimedia chapters and dedicated volunteers worldwide. The education team at the Wikimedia Foundation supports these efforts with a variety of tools -- like the Education Program Extension -- and materials -- like the Education Toolkit -- for volunteers and educators to help start and scale programs sustainably. Thanks to our community of volunteers, these are available in many languages. There is an overview of all of our resources here.

In four years, more than 10,000 students have participated in the Wikipedia Education Program, adding 12 million words, the equivalent of 45,000 printed pages, to more than 10,000 Wikipedia articles in multiple languages.


We believe that Wikipedia belongs in education, and we are working to make that a reality.


The Wikipedia Education Collaborative brings together program leaders from around the world to set the agenda for the Wikipedia Education Program and to mentor other up-and-coming programs.


Wikipedia Education Programs are making a positive impact on Wikipedia, and we are collecting the numbers to prove it.