GLAM/Newsletter/May 2017/Contents/Argentina report
#1lib1ref in Buenos Aires, Participation in WikiCite and the editing challenge of the month
By#1lib1ref in Buenos Aires
The aims of this activity was to get in touch with the community of librarians of Argentina and let them know the importance of the reference in Wikipedia. We met on May 18th and during a day we trained 22 librarians from different institutions of the city of Buenos Aires, in these workshop we explained the importance of Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation and present the project #1lib1ref (1 librarian 1 reference) and which are the steps to add reference the Wikipedia articles.
Logo 1lib1ref
1lib1ref Buenos Aires
1lib1ref Buenos Aires
Participation in WikiCite

Our Wikipedian in Residence participated of WikiCite 2016, this event was made in the city of Vienna, Austria from the 24 to the 25 of May. The objective of this annual meeting is to bring together Wikimedia collaborators, data modellers, information and library experts, software engineers, designers and academic researchers who have experience working with Wikipedia citations and bibliographic. The participation of our WIR was fundamental to get in touch with all the novelties of the GLAM movement and to think strategies for our local chapter.
Wikimedia Argentina challenge
During may we made a new edition challenge for the entire community of editors of Wikipedia in Spanish, the objective of this challenge was to:
- Categorize as many uncategorized articles in Wikipedia in Spanish.
- Work with the photos of the sport magazine El Gráfico and create new articles of athletes or use this photos in articles of Spanish Wikipedia.
The editing challenge is still running but in one month the community positioned more than a thousand new photographs in articles in Spanish Wikipedia.
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