GLAM/Newsletter/May 2017/Contents/Wikidata report
Wikidata report
WikiCite, new tools, and more
By Andy Mabbett (GLAM news
- WikiCite, took pace in Vienna. This three-day event combined conference, seminars and hackathon, on the topics of how to store and access citation metadata in Wikidata. Videos of and slides from many of the talks are available, as are notes from others, and from the hack sessions.
- proposes to encourage the use of Wikidata as a common entity base for the target of the sameAs relation
- we've been improving the documentation for the property constraints, the beginner documentation about Wikidata, how to install Wikibase. You can help!
- Met Open Access Artworks Challenge (until 30 June) help improve data about the collection of The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
- Eurowings in-flight app uses Wikidata
Further reading
- Six degrees on Wikidata
- Some statistics on scholarly data in Wikidata
- Wikidata for librarians
- Paper: Becoming Wikidatians: evolution of participation in a collaborative structured knowledge base
Tech developments
- You can now track the number of identifier properties for an item
- Tabular data files datatype is now enabled
- The extension RevisionSlider is now available by default on Wikidata. Try it on a talk or project page!
- New tool: Wikidata to CSV
- OSMgadget is a tool to help Wikipedia editors find objects in OpenStreetMap, and tag them with their Wikidata IDs
- The OSM ↔ Wikidata matcher tool
New GLAM-related properties
- light sector
- Canadian Coastguard Lighthouse ID
- contributed to published work
- NLL player ID
- Italian Senate ID
- ALPG golfer ID
- Stereo Ve Mono artist ID
- BioRxiv ID
- ID
- MLL player ID
- Directorio Grierson ID
- RANM member ID
- Old Bailey Proceedings ID
- Tumblr ID
- rider ID
- Israel Antiquities Authority ID
- OlimpBase Chess Olympiad player ID
- ESTC citation number
- Reactome pathway ID
- NFF person profile ID
- Chamber of Deputies of Italy ID
- face value
- Cinema ID
- Digital Valencian Library author ID
- copyright owner
- driver or co-driver ID
- V&A item ID
- MotoGP racer ID
- athlete ID
- USATF athlete ID
- Track and Field Statistics male athlete ID
- Track and Field Statistics female athlete ID
- Diamond League athlete ID
- Unifrance person ID
- Unifrance company ID
- IECIC 2015 ID
- Songkick venue ID
- BVMC work ID
- secretary general
- Nature preserve in North Rhine-Westphalia ID
- PIM authority ID
- PASE Domesday place
- PASE Domesday person ID
- channel number
- signed form
- CETS no.
- Bridgeman artist ID
- BDCYL authority ID
- Clochers de France ID
- Global Trade Item Number
- Unifrance film ID
- Base biographique AUTOR ID
- NNL work ID
- ID
- racon signal
- Vitaskrá ID
- SSB urban settlement number
- Austrian Textbook ID
- EKATTE place ID
- members have occupation
- National Library Board Singapore ID
- SHARE Catalogue author ID
- Sequence Ontology ID
- subreddit
- sports league level
- TA98 Latin term
- Misjonsarkiv person ID
- Unifrance person ID
- Unifrance company ID
- IECIC 2015 ID
- Songkick venue ID
- BVMC work ID
- nature preserve in North Rhine-Westphalia ID
- PIM authority ID
- PASE Domesday place
- PASE Domesday person ID
You are invited to comment on all open property proposals.
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