GLAM/Newsletter/May 2017/Contents/Sweden report
Connected Open Heritage; Sounds of Changes
ByConnected Open Heritage
Batchupload of images from The Swedish Cyprus Expedition completed
At the end of May we finalized the upload of 604 images from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition 1927-1931. This batch is the second batchupload in cooperation with Medelhavsmuseet, a part of the National Museums of World Culture in Sweden. The expedition was lead by the three archaeologist Einar Gjerstad, Erik Sjöqvist and Alfred Westholm. To draw pictures they were also accompanied by architect John Lindros. Several of his drawings are available in the uploaded batch of images.
The images depicts a wide variety of scenes and objects. Many of them contains the multitude of local and international people involved in the Expedition in everyday situations in Cyprus and back in Sweden, as well as the excavation sites and findings. Several of the photos could also be classified as "behind the scenes" shoots from the expedition.
In general, a large number of the images are quite poorly described in regards to what the image actually depicts and would therefore need manual categorization and description. Help from the community would therefore be highly appreciated! For that purpose we've created a category with the images that is especially poorly described.
The crew on the last day of the expedition.
Cholades. No 438 en face. Soli.
Ford ? N520. Kerynia.
Drawing from the field.
Sounds of Changes
As a follow up project to Work With Sounds, a new project called Sounds of Changes has been granted money and will kick off during the fall. As with the previous project the focus is documenting and making sure the soundscape of industrial machinery, household appliances, street corners and other things you don't normally listen to are saved and are available for future generations. One part of the project is Wiki study circles where each participating country museums will cooperate with the national Wikipedia organisation and offer study courses or circles with the purpose of using recorded sounds in Wikipedia articles. The project will start in September 2017 and last until November 2019, and is a cooperation between Muzeum Inżynierii Miejskiej, Poland, LWL-Industriemuseum, Germany, Technical Museum of Slovenia, Slovenia, The Finnish Labour Museum Werstas, Finland and the Museum of Work and Air Force Museum in Sweden.
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