GLAM/Newsletter/June 2017/Contents/Wikidata report
Wikidata report
Requesting your input; news from MySociety
By Andy Mabbett (Special report: New ways to contribute
You can always help, just by editing Wikidata, but here are some other things you can now do:
- Tell us your favourite tools using Wikidata
- Help us build the program for WikidataCon!
- match the data donated by Giphy, in Mix'n'Match
- New Wikidata Game: Wikidata Guessr guess the locations of random Wikidata items
- COH Challenge: in July, add pictures from the Connected Open Heritage in Wikidata
- New Mix’n’match catalog: Irish National Inventory of Architectural Heritage
Special report: MySociety
- MySociety (Q10851773) completed publishing a "five part series examining how to use Wikidata to answer the question: 'What is the gender breakdown of heads of government across the world?'". Here is the full set:
- I use Wikidata for multilingual names, by MySociety's 'EveryPoliticianBot'
GLAM news
- We reached 500,000,000 edits!
- ORCID Mania (in response to this call for a tool to automate the addition of ORCID iDs to Wikidata)
- Data donation: following the WikiCite conference, our friends at DBLP (Q1224715) began to donate data, with >4,800 values in the first batch, including >1,300 DBLP ID (P2456) plus assorted aliases, and values for VIAF ID (P214), GND ID (P227), ORCID iD (P496), ACM Digital Library author ID (P864), zbMATH author ID (P1556), & Google Scholar ID (P1960).
- a dataset of 48,000 English questions have been mapped to Wikidata
- Sitelinks for the new Kabiye Wikipedia (kbpwiki) can be added
- beaTunes 5’s new Album Info pane is powered by Wikidata
Further reading
- Wikidata, WikiCite, and the "bibliography of life"
- Wikicite 2017, and the 7 features Wikidata needs most
- Querying OSM + Wikidata from a single RDF database intro (YouTube video)
- The Role of Librarians in Wikidata and WikiCite, by Katie Mika
- Resource discovery and Wikidata
- Where the streets have known names - Academic paper on OSM & Wikidata
- Extracting scientists from Wikipedia - Academic paper
- Wikidata as authority linking hub (PDF). Presentation by Joachim Neubert (ZBW) and Jakob Voß (GBV) at the ELAG 2017 conference in Athens
- Building communities of knowledge with Wikidata, by Benjamin Good of the 'Gene Wiki' project
- A Wikidata workshop was conducted in Bangalore
- Facto Post newsletter, first issue with comments on Wikidata.
- There was a hackathon for election data in Ulm, Germany (some documentation in German)
- Blog report about the second Wikidata workshop in the Czech Republic (in Czech)
- ¿Sabes cómo usar la base de datos Wikidata? by the Cervantes virtual library (in Spanish)
Tech developments
- Wikidata Diff, a tool to compare the basic properties of two Wikidata items
- OSM ↔ Wikidata matcher, new tool for OpenStreetMap mappers, to match objects in OSM to Wikidata items, using the wikidata= tag in OSM
- You can now query the Mediawiki API from the Query Service (documentation)
- Your feedback is still welcome on the prototype for editing Wikidata from Wikipedia
- Constraint statements on items now sit in a separate section (example)
- OpenRefine 2.7 has been released, including the Wikidata Reconcile service
- Wiktionary sitelinks have been enabled
New GLAM-related properties
- Latvian Protected Nature Territory URL
- WFD Ecological status
- official Facebook page
- shield image
- Bavarikon ID
- Early Aviators people ID
- RKY national built heritage environment ID
- Semantic Scholar paper ID
- Semantic Scholar author ID
- Giphy username
- Australian Statistical Geography 2011 ID
- Vimeo username
- SlideShare username
- Ustream username
- The Arabidopsis Information Resource Accession
- USL player ID
- dimension
- danskefilm animated film ID
- danskefilm TV series ID
- DFB datacenter player ID
- ADW taxon ID
- Pinakothek artist ID
- Cullum number
- DNCI work ID
- Google Scholar paper ID
- Latvian Protected Nature Territory ID
- PLU Code
- Hungarian NGO ID
- reviewed by
- Mastodon address
- Shironet artist ID
- Shironet song ID
- field of view
- South Australian Heritage Register Database ID
- Danish List of Lights and Fog signals ID
- biography ID
- artist ID
- album ID
- ESBL athlete ID
- emulates
- therapeutic area
- Sandbox-Tabular data
- SIMC place ID
- Sandbox-Geographic shape
- Ukrainian regulations base ID
- institutional ID
- Norwegian List of Lights ID
- Irish Sites and Monuments Record ID
- FINESS medical facility ID
- Irish National Monument ID
- Zemereshet artist ID
- Wikia wiki ID
- Czech Monument Catalogue Number
- racer identifier
- Pizmonet ID
- SKIP code
- Theatres Trust Database ID
- Biodiversity Heritage Library creator ID
- image captured with
- HFC NPS unit ID
- MyAnimeList people ID
- MyAnimeList character ID
- MyAnimeList anime ID
- MyAnimeList manga ID
- Irish National Inventory of Architectural Heritage ID
- Global Terrorism Database ID
- Biodiversity Repository ID
- Irish Grid Reference
- Australian Statistical Geography 2016 ID
- Australian Standard Geographic Classification 2006 ID
- Principal Galaxies Catalogue ID
- RePEc institute ID
- MuseScore ID
- BVMC place id
- metrically compatible typeface
- parliamentary group
- Zemereshet song ID
You are invited to comment on all open property proposals.
June 2017
- Argentina report
- Basque Country report
- Belgium report
- Bulgaria report
- Côte d'Ivoire report
- Czech Republic report
- Estonia report
- France report
- Germany report
- Italy report
- Macedonia report
- Netherlands report
- Russia report
- Spain report
- Sweden report
- UK report
- Ukraine report
- USA report
- Wikidata report
- WMF GLAM report
- Calendar
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