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GLAM 전문가와 그 기관들은 유명한 위키백과를 포함한 위키미디어 프로젝트에 기여하도록 권장됩니다. 이 페이지는 위키백과가 어떻게 당신의 기관에 영향을 줄 수 있는지 설명하는 데 도움이 됩니다.
Why should you contribute to Wikimedia?
- Like your institutions, our goal is to preserve heritage and history and spread knowledge.
- Wikimedia is a well-tested platform for digitalization, with established best practices and a huge online audience.
- Innovative partnerships with Wikimedia can translate into publicity for your institution.
- We are a fellow nonprofit movement.
--- 위키백과는 지식 확산 플랫폼입니다.
What can I do to help?

- Wikipedia is the world's most popular not-for-profit website and the world's largest encyclopedia. Your institution can create or enhance Wikipedia articles, provide resources to help those writing articles, and assist with research. Frequently, institutions can help fill gaps on Wikipedia around key topics important to your organization or systematically underrepresented on Wikipedia.
- Wikimedia Commons is the free media repository used by Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. Your institution can contribute images, video, and other media, as well as meta-data and media descriptions.
- Wikisource is a free library of primary sources, featuring transcribed manuscripts. Your institution can provide manuscripts for scanning and uploading, as well as assistance with transcription.
- Wikidata is the multilingual, linked, structured open data project in the Wikimedia Community. Wikidata helps share key structured information and data between Wikimedia projects, and associates these data items with identifier and records throughout the Open Data ecosystem. Institutions can integrate Wikidata into existing metadata projects and donating openly licensed data to Wikidata strengthens the collective record.